Empower Your Team’s Wellbeing

Wellness workshops that help your team kick stress to the curb and take charge of their mental, emotional, and physical health!

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Stress Management Workshops for Modern Businesses!

No fluff, just results! Our workshops are designed with one clear goal in mind - to provide your team with actionable stress management solutions that work. Our approach is grounded in scientific research, ensuring that your employees receive evidence-based techniques with the power to transform their lives.

Elevate your team to new heights with transformative workshops that drive productivity, growth, and success. Empower your business today!

Choose from live Zoom or in-person workshops.

Stress Management 101:

The Foundation of our teachings

Positive on Purpose

Focus on the mindset and utilizing neuroplasticity

Working With Your Emotions

Focus on emotional regulation and nervous system regulation

Connection Based Communication

Focus on fostering deeper connections and improving relationships through communication

Stress Management Workshops

  • Stress Management

    In this workshop you will learn:

    • A deep dive into the bodies stress response

    • Ways stress originates in our day to day lives

    • Tools to reduce your stress, immediately!

  • Positive on Purpose

    In this workshop you will learn:

    • The link between stress and perspective

    • How to utilize neuroplasticity for life changing shifts

    • How to reframe your perspective and live a happier life, on purpose

  • Connection Based Communication

    In this workshop you will learn:

    • How communication is linked to the stress cycle

    • How to reduce the stress caused by conflict, for all parties involved

    • Communication skills that nourish your needs + the needs of your relationship

  • Working With Your Emotions

    In this workshop you will learn:

    • The primal nature of emotions - understanding their purpose and where they come from

    • How to utilize your emotions to deeper your connection with yourself

    • A plethora of powerful emotional regulation techniques

Our workshops are a perfect for:

Lunch & learns 

A team building activity 

Opening a business event or meeting 

A bonus provided employee resource 

Showing you care

Our workshops are corporate approved.

All workshops are free from:  

  • Curse words

  • Religion 

  • Spirituality 

Our workshops take your team through a self exploration and empowerment journey!


1. Learning

We believe that in order for a person to succeed at anything, they must have the knowledge of how to do so. This is why each workshop is jam packed with science based information about your topic of choice!


2. Self Reflection

After gaining an in-depth understanding of the topic, it’s critical to do inner reflection to address any roadblocks, fears, or limiting beliefs that stand in the way!


3. Tools - For the Real World

So now your team understands the topic, they see what inner beliefs have possibly stood in their way, and then what? Don’t worry, we won’t leave them hangin’. They’ll be given a detailed play by play of how to integrate what they’ve learned into their life + the tools that help them do so, confidently.

Delivery Options


Delivery Options ·

LIVE Virtual Workshops

Pricing starts at $750 per workshop

Our Virtual Live Workshops & Activities are a splendid option for a remote team looking for a way to connect! This delivery method allows you to gather your team, wherever they are, and equip them with a mindful experience. Live virtual delivery can accommodate up to 500 attendees at a time. The videos are recorded and delivered to you to distribute to your team, however you wish.

In Person Workshops

Custom Pricing

Our in person activities are great for team building experiences, opening meetings, lunch and learns, etc. In person workshops and activities are priced based on location, venue needs, and number of participants. Our event specialist will create a custom quote for your event. We guarantee laughs or your money back.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • They both are wonderful options. The in person events are great ways to boost moral, gather everyone in the same place, and enjoy an in person experience together. The virtual options are splendid options for companies who are unable to host an in person event at this time. The content is the same regardless of the delivery method.

  • Of course! Our workshops flow together build upon each other so stacking multiple workshops or all of them into one event is the most beneficial way for your guests to get the most out of it!

  • No, we are fully aware that this is a corporate event and we are presenting science-based information to your guests.

  • We typically have the capacity to book live virtual events within a week’s notice.

  • This is dependent on the nature of the event. However, most in person events can be hosted within 30-days of the approved itinerary.

  • Yes, all virtual live workshops recorded and are yours to keep.

  • Our workshops are structured with about 45 minutes of interactive presentation and a 15 minute activity. Our presentations are delivered with a powerpoint presentation which the guests have access to download after the presentation.

Interested in chatting with The Inner Alignment, Co. about hosting a workshop for your team?